Thursday, 21 July 2016

5 Ways to Unblock a Toilet, Without Using a Plunger

Before  going through the costs of calling a plumber, or whipping out plunger,
Try one of these DIY toilet hacks. Everything you need can most probably be found in your kitchen cupboard, and if not…. Well, it’s a lot less expensive than calling a plumber to do the job.

1.Dish Washing Liquid-You will need:
Dish washing Liquid Large cooking pot with 2 side handles, Hot water (not hotter than tea)
    • Method:
      1. Squirt some dishwashing liquid into the toilet bowl
      2. Fill the pot with hot water ( not boiling water, as you don't want to crack the porcelain)
      3. Using both hands, pour the hot water into the toilet bowl.
      4. Let it sit for a bit, maybe 15-30 minutes, before you flush.

2.Wire coat hanger-You will need:
A wire coat hanger, an old rag
    • Method:
      1. Unravel the coat hanger and pad the old rag around one end.
      2. Shove the padded end on the unravelled wire hanger into the drain.
      3. Twist and move the wire in a circular motion until the drain is cleared.

Don't put yourself in her shoes...... lol.
3. Baking soda & vinegar-You will need just these ingredients.
  • Method:
    1. Pour 1 cup baking soda into the toilet bowl
    2. Follow with 1 cup of vinegar
    3. Then pour kettle of hot water into the toilet bowl.

4.Toilet bomb-You will need:
2 Cups baking soda, ¼ cup epsom salts, dish washing liquid
  • Method:
    1. Mix baking soda & epsom salts together
    2. Slowly add 8-9 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid (1 tbsp at a time)
    3. Press mixture into muffin tin slots (lined with silicone muffin liners)
    4. Let the mixture dry overnight.
    5. Remove from silicone liners, and throw into the toilet bowl.
    6. Following with 4 cups of water.
    7. Let it sit for a couple of hours before flushing.

5.Wet/Dry Vacuum Cleaner
  • Method:
    1. Stick vacuum nozzle a few inches into the drain.
    2. Use old towels to create a seal around the drain
    3. Turn the vacuum on and try to suck out the clog.

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